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Companion Application Blueprint

The companion application is an example to showcase how to create a vehicle application which senses and actuates signals in the vehicle for Eclipse Leda with help of Eclipse Velocitas and Eclipse Kuksa . The aim is not to build the best available application possible but to show how one can use the applied technologies to build a companion app for the interaction with a vehicle, e.g., to move a seat. If you are new to the concepts around Eclipse SDV and the mentioned projects we recommend to read the SDV Tutorial first.


The idea of the specific companion application introduced in this blueprint is to have a custom application to move the driver seat to positions defined in a driver profile hosted by a third-party web service.

Leda Seat Adjuster Use Case

The setup contains the following components:

  • Cloud or mobile trigger: not part of the Leda image, but we simulate it by issuing MQTT messages
  • Seat Adjuster : Developed with Eclipse Velocitas to be deployed by user
  • Eclipse Kuksa.val - KUKSA Databroker (pre-installed with Eclipse Leda)
  • Mock Service: Example provider for Eclipse Kuksa.VAL which mocks the behavior of the vehicle.

In the following paragraphs, we next introduce the architecture and the assumed data flow before we explain the development and deployment steps. If you are more interested in the general development steps, you may directly jump to the develop seat adjuster.